
Listed below is the collection of Resolutions enacted by the City since the beginning of time. Many of the older resolutions have been superceded by newer versions.
Click on any link to open a PDF copy.
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Current Resolutions
Resolution 8-2008  
Resolution 6-2009  
Resolution 3-2010  
Resolution 4-2010  
Resolution 5-2010 
Resolution 1-2011  
Resolution 2-2011  
Resolution 3-2011  
Resolution 1-2012  
Resolution 2-2012  
Resolution 3-2012  
Resolution 4-2012  
Resolution 1-2013  
Resolution 2-2013  
Resolution 3-2013  
Resolution 1-2014  
Resolution 2-2014  
Resolution 3-2014  
Resolution 4-2014 
Resolution 5-2014  
Resolution 6-2014  
Resolution 7-2014  
Resolution Amendment to Ord 166
Resolution Flood Plain Management 
Resolution Water Rates (1976)
Resolution Well Drilling in Clark Fork
Resolution 1-2015
Resolution 2-2015
Resolution 1-2016 
Resolution 2-2016
Resolution 3-2016 
Resolution 4-2016 
Resolution 5-2016
Resolution 1-2017 
Resolution 2-2017 
Resolution 3-2017
Resolution 4-2017
Resolution 5-2017
Resolution 1-2018
Resolution 2-2018 
Resolution 3-2018
Resolution 4-2018
Resolution 5-2018
Resolution 6-2018
Resolution 7-2018
Resolution 8-2018
Resolution 1-2019
Resolution 2-2019
Resolution 3-2019
Resolution 4-2019
Resolution 5-2019
Resolution 6-2019
Resolution 7-2019
Resolution 1-2020
Resolution 2-2020
Resolution 3-2020
Resolution 4-2020 
Resolution 5-2020
Resolution 6-2020
Resolution 7-2020
Resolution 8-2020 
Resolution 1-2021
Resolution 2-2021
Resolution 3-2021
Resolution 4-2021
Resolution 5-2021
Resolution 6-2021
Resolution 1-2022
Resolution 2-2022
Resolution 3-2022
Resolution 4-2022
Resolution 5-2022
Resolution 1-2023
Resolution 2-2023
Resolution 3-2023
Resolution 4-2023
Resolution 5-2023
Resolution 6-2023
Resolution 1-2024  
Resolution 2-2024 

 Older Resolutions 
Resolution 01-89  
Resolution 02-89  
Resolution 1  
Resolution 1-2000  
Resolution 1-2001  
Resolution 1-2002  
Resolution 1-2003  
Resolution 1-2004  
Resolution 1-2005  
Resolution 1-2006  
Resolution 1-2007  
Resolution 1-2008  
Resolution 1-2009 
Resolution 1-2010  
Resolution 1-90 
Resolution 1-91  
Resolution 1-92 
Resolution 1-93  
Resolution 1-94  
Resolution 1-95  
Resolution 1-96  
Resolution 1-97  
Resolution 1-98  
Resolution 1-99  
Resolution 10-90  
Resolution 10  
Resolution 102  
Resolution 103 
Resolution 104  
Resolution 1985-2 
Resolution 1985-3 
Resolution 1985-4 
Resolution 1985-5 
Resolution 1986-1 
Resolution 1987
Resolution 1988-1  
Resolution 1 
Resolution 2  
Resolution 2-2000  
Resolution 2-2001 
Resolution 2-2002 
Resolution 2-2003  
Resolution 2-2005  
Resolution 2-2006  
Resolution 2-2007
Resolution 2-2008 
Resolution 2-2009  
Resolution 2-2010 
Resolution 2-90  
Resolution 2-91  
Resolution 2-92  
Resolution 2-93  
Resolution 2-94  
Resolution 2-95  
Resolution 2-96  
Resolution 2-97 
Resolution 2-98  
Resolution 2-99  
Resolution 3  
Resolution 3-2001  
Resolution 3-2002 
Resolution 3-2003  
Resolution 3-2005 
Resolution 3-2006  
Resolution 3-2007  
Resolution 3-2008  
Resolution 3-2009  
Resolution 3-90  
Resolution 3-91  
Resolution 3-92  
Resolution 3-93  
Resolution 3-94  
Resolution 3-95  
Resolution 3-96  
Resolution 3-97  
Resolution 3-98  
Resolution 3-99 
Resolution 4  
Resolution 4-2001  
Resolution 4-2002  
Resolution 4-2003  
Resolution 4-2006  
Resolution 4-2008  
Resolution 4-2009  
Resolution 4-90 
Resolution 4-91  
Resolution 4-93  
Resolution 4-94  
Resolution 4-95  
Resolution 4-96  
Resolution 4-97 
Resolution 4-98  
Resolution 4-99  
Resolution 5  
Resolution 5-2002  
Resolution 5-2006   
Resolution 5-2008 
Resolution 5-2009  
Resolution 5-90 
Resolution 5-93  
Resolution 5-96  
Resolution 5-97  
Resolution 5-98  
Resolution 5-99  
Resolution 6  
Resolution 6-2008  
Resolution 6-90  
Resolution 6-93  
Resolution 6-96  
Resolution 6-98  
Resolution 7  
Resolution 7-2008  
Resolution 7-90  
Resolution 7-93  
Resolution 7-96  
Resolution 7-98  
Resolution 8-90  
Resolution 8-93  
Resolution 86-1 
Resolution 86-2  
Resolution 87-1  
Resolution 87-2   
Resolution 87-3  
Resolution 87-3  
Resolution 87-4  
Resolution 9-90  
Resolution 9-93 
Resolution General City Election 11-8-77
Resolution Securing Loan  
Resolution Voiding Ord's 120 & 121
Resolution Water Rent 51'
Resolution Water Rent 68'
Water User Charges & Connection Fees (Repealed)
Land Use Fees (Repealed)
Cemetery Fees
Bonner County All-Hazard Mitigation
Authorize Mayor to Sign Documents on Wastewater Grant
Fair Housing
Policy of Nondiscrimination on Basis of Disability
Disposal of Surplus Equipment (Repealed)
Water Charges & Connection Fees (Repealed)
Grievance Procedure for Disabilities Act (ADA)
Parks & Rec Commission Mission Statement
Surplus Equipment (Repealed)
Parks & Rec Rules and Regulations (Repealed)
Water Rates (Repealed)
Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Water Rates (Repealed)
Animal Control Fees, Policies, & Procedures (Repealed)
Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Fire Suppression Agreement Rates, Charges, & Fees (Repealed)
Surplus Items
Hearing Procedures
Encroachment Authorization-PHI Center
Building Codes (Repealed)
Resolution Employee Annual Leave & Sick Leave 1978' (Repealed)
Resolution Flood Plain Management (Repealed)
Resolution Water Rates (Repealed)
Resolution Well Drilling in Clark Fork
Water Rates (Repealed)
DEQ Water Grant
Destruction of Semi-Permanent Records
Transfer of Permanent Records
Classification and Retention of Municipal Records
Disposal of Surplus Equipment
Water Rates (Repealed)
129K Truck Route
Disposal of Surplus Equipment
Opposing Agenda 21 /2030
Destruction of Semi-Permanent Records
Water Rates (Repealed)
Adopting Comprehensive Plan
Fire Department Administration and Fees (Repealed)
Land-Use Fees (Repealed)
Records Custodian
Cemetery Fees
Water Rates (Repealed)
Fire department MOU
Disposal of Surplus Equipment
Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Water Rates (Meter Installation) (Repealed)
Parks & Recreation 
Water Rates (Repealed)
Animal Control Fees
Disposal of Surplus Equipment
Land Use Fees (Repealed)
Water User Rates (Repealed)
Declaration of Emergency Affirmation
Fire Department Fees
Fire Department Administration
Water Rate Fees (Repealed)
Land Use Fees (Repealed)
Equipment Surplus
Council Meetings Procedures
Personnel Policy
Land Use Fees
Water User Rates
Selection of Alternative for Water Facility Plan
Park & Rec Commission Meeting Procedures
Destruction of Semi-Permanent Records
IGG-APRES (Idaho Gems Grant Application Resolution)
Water Usage Rates
Fair Housing Resolution
IDEQ - ARPA Grant 
Parks & Rec Commission Procedures
Destruction of Semi-Permanent Records
Declaration of Emergency for Levee
Declaration of Termination of Emergency for Levee
Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Water Usage Rates
Surplus Equipment
ADA 2024 Resolution

Opposition to Idaho House of Rep. Bill 294
Proposed Rerouting of US Highway 95
General Election 11-4-75
Destruction of Records by Burning
Avista Franchise Inflation Adjustment
Purchase of HUD House
Fireworks Permit Fee
Lease Property at 13 Bryan Drive
Approves Fire Dept. to leave City with Mutual Aid Agreement (Repealed)
Animal Control Fees (Repealed)
Fire Dept. Inspection Fees Outside City & Non-Subscriber Charges (Repealed)
Establish Administration of Fire Dept. (Repealed)
Authorizing Mayor to Approve Purchase Orders
Disposal of Surplus Equipment
C. Cowely Represents C.F. on Bonner County Improvement Council
Equal Employment Opportunity
Local Emergency Response for Hazardous Substance Incidents
Contract Amendment with Waste Management
TINT Resolution
Assignment of Franchise from PP&L to WWP
Animal Licensing Fees (Repealed)
Water Rates (Repealed)
Animal Control Fees, Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Lightning Creek Emergency (Repealed)
Access to Public Records Policy
Water Pipe Thawing Machine
Use of City Hall
Use of Ball Diamond
Payment for Chlorinator from Water Fund
Approval of Summary of Ord 183 for Publication
Canvass of Special Bond Election Held on 3-5-1985
Approval of Summary of Ord 184 for Publication
Obtain Financing for Construction of City Water Project
Approval of Summary of Ord 187 for Publication
Fair Housing
General City Election 11-6-79
Secure $3,500 Loan from Idaho 1st Nat'l Bank
Water Loan
Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Euthanasia of Impounded Animals
Authorize Installation of Water Tank with Pump
Rock Creek Mine-Impact on Water Quality
Authorizes Bonner County Ambulance to Provide Service within City Limits
Fire Dept. Inspection Fees (Repealed)
(Never Approved)
Fire Dept. Inspection Fees -Outside City & Non-Subscriber Charges (Repealed)
Fire Suppression Rates, Charges, & Fees (Repealed)
Urging Congress to Select Idaho for F-35 Mission.pdf
C. Cowely Represents C.F. on Bonner County Improvement Council
Support Our Troops in the Persian Gulf
Add EEO Statement to Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Garbage Fees & Collection Date
Water Rates (Repealed)
Water Rates (Repealed)
Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy
Animal Control Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Authorizes Fire Dept. to Leave City Limits (Repealed)
Lightning Creek Emergency (Repealed)
Advance Warning Railroad Crossing Signs
Settlement of Civil Suit - J. White
Establishing Council Rules & Procedures (Repealed)
Cemetery Fees (Repealed)
Adoption of Clark Fork Comprehensive Plan (Repealed)
Fire Suppression Rates, Charges, & Fees (Repealed)
Water Charges & Connection Fees (Repealed)
Fire Suppression Rates, Charges, & Fees (Repealed)
Fees for Responding to Motor Vehicle Accidents (Repealed)
Fair Housing
General City Election 11-5-91
TINT Resolution
Water Rates (Repealed)
Water Rates (Repealed)
Election Proclamation for 11-7-95 Election
Animal Control Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Election Proclamation for 11-4-97 Election
Water Rates (Repealed)
(Rescinded 6-14-99) Mileage Rate for Travel on City Business (Repealed)
General City Election 11-3-81
Election Proclamation for 11-6-01 Election
Encouraging the Cessation of Grass Field Burning
Transfer Cable Franchise
Approve Fire Suppression Service Agreements
Disposal of Surplus Equipment (Repealed)
Identity Theft Prevention Program
Residential Anti-Displacement & Relocation Assistance Plan
Surplus Equipment Sale (Repealed)
Seal Coat Contract
Support State General Revenue Sharing
Personnel Policy Changes (Repealed)
Comprehensive Plan (Repealed)
Animal Control Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Liquor License Fees
Lightning Creek Emergency
General City Election 11-8-83
Establish Administration of Fire Dept. (Repealed)
Classification & Retention of Municipal Records
Free Fire Subscription Service - Vol. Firefighters
Background Check Procedures
Joyce Pence Appointed ERO for Sr. Center Project
IWEP Contract Between C.F. & IDHW
Animal Control Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Animal Control Fees, Policies, & Procedures (Repealed)
Animal Control Fees, etc. (Repealed)
Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Assignment of Cable TV Franchise
Fire Suppression Rates, Charges, & Fees (Repealed)
Acquisition of Block Grant for Sr. Center Project
Water Rates (Repealed)
Animal Control Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Agreement for Bond Counseling Service
Amends Resolution 6
Disposal of Surplus Equipment (Repealed)
City Excessive Force Policy
TINT Resolution
Animal Control Policies & Procedures (Repealed)
Lightning Creek Emergency
Surplus Equipment Sale (Repealed)
Election Proclamation for 11-2-93 Election
Approval of Summary of Ord 86-1 for Publication
Bond Council Services
Approval of Summary of Ord 189 for Publication
Approval of Agreement for Bond Council Services
Canvass of Special Bond Election
Summary of Ord 190
Authorize Sale of G.O. Bonds, Series 1987
Personnel Policy (Repealed)
Waste Management Contract.
Resolution General City Election 11-8-77
Resolution Securing Loan - Idaho National Bank 78'
Resolution Voiding Clark Fork Ord's 120 & 121
Resolution Water Rent 51' (Repealed)
Resolution Water Rent 68' (Repealed)

P.O. Box 10
110 East 3rd Ave.
Clark Fork, Idaho 83811

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F: 208-266-1278


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