
Lisa Derr~ Cemetery Director

Lisa moved to the area in 1992 accepting a position in hospitality management. That job lasted 30 years. During that time, Lisa met and married Darrell Derr, a Clark Fork native, who shared his love for the area and town with her in many ways. After over 21 years of marriage, Darrell passed away in 2016. Since then, Lisa has made weekly trips to the Clark Fork Cemetery to watch over her loved ones' graves. 

Pictured is Mugzy, Lisa's retirement companion!

"I'm happy to help take care of our precious cemetery!" ~ Lisa Derr

Clark Fork Cemetery Aerial View


Clark Fork Cemetery


Clark Fork Cemetery

History of the Clark Fork Cemetery: 


The current Clarksfork Cemetery often elicits a quizzical query from the first time visitors such as "Why would anyone place a cemetery on a mountainside?"

The answer is involved but not long.

It seems when Gordon Daugharty was Deputy Sheriff for the Clarksfork area over 100 years ago, he was informed that there was a body hanging from a tree up on Middle Mountain. Gathering some tools and his stepson, Charlie Proctor, he went to investigate the rumor. He found the cadaver suspended from the tree, apparently for sometime as it was quite putrefied. Gordon and Charlie did not want to touch the body. After digging a pit large enough to hold the rigid body the pair cut the rope, dropping the corpse into its final resting place.

Gordon returned to Clarksfork where he convinced enough citizens that the place where this body was interned would make a better graveyard than the one the town was using west of town.

During the early years of the last century the wagon road to the west of town was often impassable, particularly when the Spring freshet of the Clarksfork River submerged the route.

Obviously, the site on Middle Mountain would be more readily accessible.

It was, therefore, agreed by the citizenry of the town to move the town burial site.

Gordon and Charlie were paid $3.00 for the burial services.

Such is the Genesis of Clarksfork Cemetery.



1871 TO MARCH 5TH, 1900

The Daily Bulletin, April 28, 1939

"It remained for an obscure lumberjack by the name of Smith, killed by a tree, who had no relatives and who personally offered no objections, to have the distinction of being the first to find his last resting place among the many that sleep there now."

May 7, 1938

George E. Whitcomb, Jr., a minor, whose estate and person is under guardianship of Mrs. Minnie Dencer, of Clarksfork, County of Bonner, State of Idaho, party of the first part, and Village of Clarksfork, for and in consideration of the sum of one ($1.00) dollar, quit claim 3.04 acres of land to the Village of Clarksfork for a public cemetery.

The old Greenwood Cemetery is still in existence and cared for by Nathan Widgren.

Gratitude and thanks to Dale (Nick) Daugharty for all of his help and information.

  1. Cemetery Ordinance- Ordinance 256
  2. Plot Fees Resolution- Resolution 3-2010
  3. Internment Fees Resolution- Resolution 5-2018

Naming of Streets in Clark Fork Cemetery

From: Commander Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10320, Clark Fork, Idaho 83811
To: City of Clark Fork City Council
RE: Naming of Clark Fork Cemetery Streets
Per the direction of the Clark Fork City Council of March 10,2003 the following was submitted:
Cemetery Road- From Lightning Creek Road to the intersection of McQuaid Place and Wilson Way.
Dobbins Drive- Road between Section One and Two.
Moody Run- Road between Section Two and Three.
McQuaid Place- Road between Section Three and Four.
Wilson Way- Road from intersection of Cemetery Road and McQuaid Place, between Section Four and Five to intersection at Dobbins Drive.

Cemetery Biography:
McQuaid Daughter of John and Mary- Born 1898 Died 1898- Oldest identifiable grave headstone in cemetery.
Dobbins, Otto- Born 1877 Died 1901- Second oldest identifiable grave headstone in cemetery.
Moody, George A.- Born 1836 Died 1913- Captain- Civil War Veteran- Battle of Bull Run.
Wilson: Judy Commander US Navy- WWII, Albert Sr.- US Army- WWI, Albert Jr.- Captain US Navy- WWII, Korea- Silver Star, Purple Heart, Marion Sr.- Private WWI, Marion Jr.- 1st Lt. US Air Force- WWII, Korea, Viet Nam

It is suggested that the streets in the new section (Blocks One, Two, Three, Four) be named as follows: The sir name of the first person interned into each be used to identify the immediate adjacent street.

Nate Widgren



Cemetery FAQ


P.O. Box 10
110 East 3rd Ave.
Clark Fork, Idaho 83811

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Monday through Friday
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