Category 1- Structure Fires, Vegetation Fires,
Smoke Reports, Rescue Calls, MVA's with Code Black

Year 2025 to date- 
 In City,  Outside City 

Category 2- All other MVA's (Including Vehicle Accidents), Landing Zone,
Explosives, Power Line Incidents, Traffic Control, Gas Leaks

Year 2025 to date- 
4 In City, 3 Outside City

Category 3- Service Calls, Life Assists

Year 2025 to date-
 In City,  1 Outside City


Category 1
6 In City, 11 Outside City
2 in City, 15 Outside City

7 In City, 22 Outside City
3 In City, 12 Outside City
8 In City, 13 Outside City
8 In City, 19 Outside City
5 In City, 15 Outside City

Category 2
12 In City, 21 Outside City
9 In City, 23 Outside City

9 In City, 14 Outside City
14 In City, 19 Outside City
8 In City, 21 Outside City
8 In City, 10 Outside City
14 In City, 16 Outside City

Category 3
4 In City, 8 Outside City
3 In City, 3 Outside City

4 In City, 2 Outside City
10 In City, 5 Outside City
5 In City, 10 Outside City
4 In City, 3 Outside City
0 In City, 2 Outside City

Mike Schacht
Fire Chief

Moved to Clark Fork from New Mexico in 2014. Bought Evergreen Hardware. Enjoys helping the community and so became a fire fighter. Became Chief in 2022 when Rich Harter stepped down.

Clark Fork Fire History

Established in 1958, Clark Fork Fire is a department of the City of Clark Fork and is an all-risk volunteer public safety organization staffed by up to 20 firefighters.

Effective January 1, 2007, the department commenced services to homeowners and landowners residing outside the Clark Fork City limits. The response area encompasses 77 square miles from Highway 200 just east of Denton Road and the Johnson Creek boat ramp area - generally eastward to the Montana border.

Our 24-hour emergency services include:
1. Structure and vegetation fire protection. 
2. Response to motor vehicle accidents.
3. Technical rescue, including vehicle extrication and water-ice rescue.
4. Emergency medical assistance to Clark Fork Ambulance.
5. General citizen assists.
6. Initial response to hazardous materials incidents.

Fee for services:

Motor Vehicle Accident Fees- Resolution 4-2020

In City Limits Inspection Fees - Resolution 4-2020

  1. Fire Department Ordinance- Ordinance 231
  2. Subscriber Fees Resolution - Resolution 4-2014
  3. Outside City Inspection & Non-Subscriber Fees Resolution- Resolution 4-2020

Subscription Services FAQ

Feel free to contact the City or Fire Department if you have other questions about subscription coverge. 
To see payment options,  Click on Payments tab at the top of page.

A fire subscription service is fire coverage provided by a fire agency to a property owner located outside the jurisdictional boundary of any fire district or department.  

Coverage is not a requirement for the owner unless their insurance or mortgage company requires it. If you do not live within a fire district, you are not covered. 

We will! When you sign up for subscription coverage with Clark Fork Fire, you may see responders from multiple jurisdictions. We have automatic-aid and mutual-aid with neighboring departments. Depending on your physical location, the other agencies may arrive on scene first. 

In most cases yes. When you have suppression coverage, the insurance company sees the benefit of less loss payout and the cost of the insurance premium savings is usually less than the subscription fees. 

Cost is based on the assessed valuation of the structure and/or land for which coverage in requested. As of this printing: The fee is .06% plus the annual base fee of $75.00.
$1.00 per acre is assessed if you want it covered.

If you live within the subscription boundaries you may apply for coverage at any time. You will need to submit the proper paperwork to the City for review. The review process also requires a site visit by the Fire Dept. to ensure ingress and egress for proper access, verify defensible space and map property for potential hazards.


Clark Fork Fire Personnel

Myles O'Quinn

Fire Fighter

Tanya Becker


Lois John

Fire Marshall

Wes John


Dave Nielsen


Fire Fighter

Devin Nessleroth

Fire Fighter

Austin Theander


Mark Anderson

Fire Fighter

Matt Freiley

Fire Fighter

Hernandez, Richard

Support Crew

Ash, Updike

Fire Fighter

Darling, Nathan

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter


Actual Calls

Wild Fires, House Fires, Life Flight Assists, Car Fires

Fire Training

House Fires, Water Extraction

Mobirise Website Builder

Clark Fork Fire and Rescue walked the Long Bridge in Sandpoint to honor the fallen from 911. Taken Sept. 11, 2023.

Current Clark Fork Fire Trucks


4x4 Mini Rescue Fire Truck 1861-
1999 Ford F-450 7.3L Diesel Automatic with a Westerbeke 8kw Generator. Acquired in December of 2023. Used for first response. It carries everything that is needed to free up the others trucks when going on scene.

Fire Truck 1821-
2008 International DURASTAR with a DT466 Diesel Engine. This is known as the "tender truck" because it holds the bladder to transfer water. Machines can suck water from it. It also has a monitor with a robotic spray gun that can be controlled from within the cab. The '07 DURASTAR can hold up to 1700 gallons of water to fight fires with.


Fire Truck 1823-
1992 International S Series with an International DT 466 Diesel Engine. This is the primary vehicle for calls because it has four doors and can hold six fire fighters. It also holds more of the SCBA's (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) for the fire fighters. The SCBA's provide clean air when fighting fires. The '94 International can hold up to 1900 gallons of water to fight fires with.

Do you want to join a professional team?

Download the attached application and submit it to the City.

Fire Department Sign up Application (Click this Link)


P.O. Box 10
110 East 3rd Ave.
Clark Fork, Idaho 83811

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8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Monday through Friday
Closed all Federal Holidays

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