Clark Fork, Idaho

City Administration

  • Clark Fork has a Mayor-Council form of government consisting of four at-large Council members and a Mayor. Councilors are elected and serve four-year terms. The Council elects a President from among its members. The Council President may stand in for the Mayor as necessary.
  • The City Council is an elected body whose primary function is to establish policy direction and make legislative decisions. The Council is the legislative and judicial arm of Clark Forks' City government; enacting ordinances and resolutions.
  • This body confirms the Mayor’s appointments of City officials including department heads, and the City Administrator, as well as commission members. The Council approves the City’s annual budget.
  • City Council meetings are typically held the 2nd Monday of each month at 6pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 110 East 3rd Ave Clark Fork Idaho. If the meeting falls on a holiday, it may be pushed ahead.
  • Terms of office - The mayor and the councilors are elected to four-year terms. Elections are held every two years, with two council seats up for election every two years. The City Clerk oversees City elections. 

Russell Schenck ~ Mayor

    Current term 2022 - 2026
    Past: Councillor for 18 years, many of those as Council President.
    Fire Chief (Retired): Clark Fork Fire Dept ~ 20 Years
    A-EMT (Retired): Clark Fork Valley Ambulance ~ 30+ Years
    North Idaho native born and raised. Business Owner,
    30+ years married to Pam, 4 grown kids and 11 grand kids. 

What I love about this Community are the people. 

Attend an old fashioned 4th of July, or any high school sports activity and you will see what I mean. Fundraisers for events or families who had a catastrophic event happen usually results in a spectacular turnout from the many kind people of the Clark Fork area. 
I am proud to be a participant in the continued progress to keep Clark Fork as friendly as it's been for the past 100+ years, a place where my grand-kids and their grand-kids can call home.

Silver Valley Law

Benjamin Allen, Attorney with this firm handles all City legal matters


P.O. Box 10
110 East 3rd Ave.
Clark Fork, Idaho 83811

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T: 208-266-1315
F: 208-266-1278


8:00 am - Noon
Monday through Friday
Closed all Federal Holidays


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